As nations marked World Stroke Day, it is also very important to know the most common symptoms of a stroke.
Stroke also known as Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) occurs when there is an interruption or reduction of blood supply to the part of brain thereby, depriving the brain tissue nutrients and oxygen. But early treatment with the right medication can minimise brain damage.
Common symptoms of a stroke according to experts includes:
*A sudden weakness of the face, arm, or leg and most often on one side of the body.
*Confusion, difficulty speaking understanding speech
*Difficulty seeing with one or both eyes
*Difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
*Severe headache with no known cause
*Fainting or unconsciousness.
This condition requires prompt medical attention.
However, stroke can be prevented if individual can do the following;
* Quit smoking
* Avoid alcohol intake
* Control high blood pressure and high cholesterol
* Manage diabetes
* Watch your waist and weight
* Eat healthy
* Exercise regularly 30 minutes a day.
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