The German Government has replied Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari over his request to prosecute IPOB members in Germany following the protest against Senator Ike Ekweremadu in Nuremberg.
Meanwhile, since the incident occurred, the government of Nigeria have requested that the German Government should take action against individuals who have taken part in the protest.
However, the German Government have replied President Buhari over his request against protestants citing that Germany is a Democratic country that grants asylum to refugee from all over the world.
Below is the response by the German Government.
Heiko Maas
Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor
Federal Republic of Germany
Federal Foreign Office
Street address
Werderscher Markt 1
10117 Berlin
Postal address:
Federal Foreign Office
11013 Berlin.
August 20, 2019.
Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari
President of Nigeria
Aso Rock,
Abuja FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.
Dear Alhaji,
I found it extremely provocative and unusually undiplomatic when a government that has created the conditions that exiled its citizens demands the same people's prosecution by the host country for demanding justice and justice from its government officials.
Germany is a democratic country that grants asylum to refugee from all over the world. Freedom of association and the right to political protest are the right of all persons resident in Germany. I, Heiko Maas, have been doused with rotten eggs and tomatoes. It comes with the office, no protester was shot dead, imprisoned, killed or deported. Every day, my ambassador to Nigeria, Bernhard Schlagheck informs me of the atrocities the Fulani terrorists herdsmen committed against unarmed, innocent Nigerians as part of an ethnic cleansing programme and eventual rug-nization of Nigeria.
These atrocities include abductions, rape, torture, mutilation, slaughter and evisceration. Obviously, the demonstrators have enough.
The German Government will respond to your request to prosecute the demonstrators who have requested their representatives to do his work in Nigeria as soon as you have your Fulani terrorists detained.
If Senator Ike Ekweremadu have not slept at the workplace and performed his duties as a representative of his constituents, his constituents in Nigeria will eat yam and not eat yam in Germany. Yam root do not grow in Germany. Creating a suitable environment in Nigeria would lead to a brain drain that would significantly accelerate development in Nigeria.
If my ambassador in Nigeria confirms that the Fulani terrorists has been appeased, I am glad to advise the Nigerians in Germany to politely treat Nigeria dignitaries. Political protest is not a criminal offence in Germany.
Yours sincerely,
Heiko Maas
Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of the
Federal Republic of Germany.
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