BBC in 2014, reported that Cancer is the leading cause of economic loss through premature death and disability due to the vast sums spent on treatment, as well as economic and social activity. In 2010, WHO said the total cost of Cancer was $1.16 trillion. Despite treatment and screening programs to detect the disease earlier, still the Cancer burden increases. More people are developing Cancer as the World population grows. Obviously, about 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer. According to WHO, by 2025 it will increase by 19 million, 22 million by 2030, and by 2035 it will rise to 24 million people world wide. However, Studies have shown that natural remedies for cancer are 1000 times better than chemotherapy according to Maryland university. Dr Gupta, an American neurosurgeon and medical reporter in an article released 03/11/17 saids "no one must die of cancer except out of carelessness" He however, reiterates steps to follow to credibly prevent can...