NASA's Parker Sola Probe will launch to travel closer to the sun.
This summer, NASA will launch a spacecraft known as parker solar probe which will travel closer to the sun, deeper into the solar atmosphere, than before. Parker solar probe will be able to travel within four inches of the solar surface.
According to NASA, parker solar probe won't melt, the spacecraft has been designed to withstand the extreme temperature for the mission.
"Parker solar probe's heat shield is made of two panels of super heated carbon-carbon composite sandwiching a light weight 4.5-inch- thick carbon foam core.To reflect as much of the sun's energy away from the spacecraft as possible".
Inside the Corona, a region in the solar atmosphere, unimaginably very hot. The spacecraft will travel through material with temperatures greater than a million degrees Fahrenheit while being bombarded with intense Sun light.
Unique technologies had to be fully engineered to make sure that the instrument not only survived but also the electronics abord can send back accurate readings. Said NASA
By: Ebere Onwuegbuchulam
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