Ebola Outbreak Resurfaced in Bikoro.
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has declared a new Outbreak of Ebola in Bikoro Equatuer Province as laboratory results confirmed two cases.
According to information from the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, out of five samples two have tested positive to Ebola at Institute National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB) in Kinshasa.
WHO is said to be working closely with the Government of Democratic Republic of the Congo to rapidly scale up it's operation and mobilize health partners using the method which responded successful to the previous Ebola Outbreak.
Information gathered, told that the first Multidisciplinary Team of the expert from WHO and the Provincial Division of the Health have travelled to the Provincial Capital of Equatuer, to reach, Bikoro in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to reduce the loss of life and suffering related to this new Ebola Outbreak.
By: Ebere Onwuegbuchulam
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